The title of the project unLoc is inspired by the concept of locus of control, which is used as a metaphorical reference to the symbolism of the architecture of power. The project aims to explore how the history of power relations is reflected in architecture. In addition, new technologies will be used as a tool to change the way people perceive and understand architecture.
Using historical and social inspiration, computer programming and artificial intelligence, the project team will create a platform for alternative visions of urban space.
The project will analyse the ‘architecture of power’ to select objects with ‘difficult histories’ that are symbols of power and dependency focusing on post-communist architecture in the countries of the former Eastern Bloc. The goal is to provide a tool for better understanding the needs of city dwellers, to discuss different perspectives and approaches to urban planning, and to provide a platform for creating sustainable and well-designed cities.
Project duration: 2024-2025
Researchers: PhD Liene Jākobsone, Dr.-techn. Eva Sommeregger, Dina Suhanova
Project partners: Institute of Art and Design, Pedagogical University of Cracow, Art Academy of Latvia, BEIA Consult International, National University of Political Studies and Public Administration, Bucharest
Project No. 101003758, Joint Programming Initiative (JPI) Urban Europe
Project total budget: 491 599 EUR
Project coordinator at LMA: PhD Liene Jākobsone
Many European townscapes bear concrete evidence to the co-identities shaped over centuries of circulation and exchange of people and ideas. The Grand Tour, a journey into Europe with Italy as a key destination, was a custom for several generations of architects and artists, which climaxed in the early modern period triggering the construction of a cultural European horizon long before the EU was a political and economic entity.
Identifying the Grand Tour as a legacy, project proposes to restore travel (informed mobility) to the core of EU architects’ education. Integrating life-fed learning frameworks and digital tools UpGranT ventures to bridge the Grand Tour into the future.
Project duration: 2023–2026
Researchers: PhD Liene Jākobsone, Manten Devriendt
Partner organisations: Politecnico di Milano, University of Porto, University of Bologna, Art Academy of Latvia, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Estonian Art Academy
Project No. 2023-1-IT02-KA220-HED-000158377, Erasmus+ Cooperation partnerships in higher education, funded by the EU
Project total budget: EUR 400 000
Project coordinator at LMA: PhD Liene Jākobsone
Projekts CERS izstrādāts, lai atklātu Latvijas ilgtspējīgai attīstībai un izturētspējai nozīmīgākās mākslas un kultūras vērtības, kā arī novērtētu un argumentētu Latvijas kultūras ekosistēmas resursietilpību. Projektā tiks pētīti nozīmīgākie Latvijas kultūras aktuālie un vēsturiskie procesi, kultūras un radošās nozares kā šo procesu īstenotājas.
Projekta mērķis ir radīt jaunas zināšanas, balstoties starpdisciplinārā pētnieciskā pieejā, par 1) KRS (kultūras un radošā sektora) izturētspējas izpausmēm pašreizējos procesos, īpaši izgaismojot kultūras piedāvājuma un pieejamības dinamiku klātienes un digitālajā vidē, kā arī nozares nodarbinātības un izglītības procesus; 2) saikni ar vēsturiskajiem procesiem, uzsverot un izvērtējot padomju perioda lomu pašreizējās kultūras un mākslas izpratnē; 3) sociālās un ekonomiskās ietekmes izpausmēm sabiedrības ilgtspējīgā attīstībā. Mērķis tiks sasniegts, pielietojot trīs galvenos metateorētiskos jēdzienus: ekosistēma, izturētspēja un ilgtspēja.
Projekta īstenošanas laiks:2023–2026
Iesaistītās LMDA pētnieces: PhD Liene Jākobsone, PhD Pınar Kaygan, Māra Traumane, Dina Suhanova
Projekta partneri: Latvijas Kultūras akadēmija, Jāzepa Vītola Latvijas Mūzikas akadēmija, Latvijas Mākslas akadēmija, Latvijas Nacionālā bibliotēka, Latvijas Universitātes Literatūras, folkloras un mākslas institūts
Projekta Nr.: VPP-MM-LKRVA-2023/1-0001
Projekta kopējais finansējums: 1 333 800 EUR
Projekta finansētājs: LR Kultūras ministrija valsts pētījumu programmas “Latvijas kultūra – resurss valsts attīstībai” ietvaros; administrē Latvijas Zinātnes padome
Projekta koordinatore LMA: Iveta Feldmane
Projekts akcentē izaicinājumus, kas saistīti ar pāreju uz zaļo enerģiju un atjaunojamās enerģijas ražošanas infrastruktūras aktīvu ienākšanu Baltijas jūras reģiona valstu lauku teritorijās. Kādu ietekmi tie atstās uz apdzīvotām vietām un tradicionālo ainavu, un kādas sociālās, kultūras un ekoloģiskās vērtības jāņem vērā plānojot un īstenojot šādus infrastruktūras projektus?
Projekta norise: 2022-2023
Vadošais projekta partneris: LABLAB, Zviedrija
Projekta partneri: Zviedrijas Lauksaimniecības zinātņu universitāte Alnarpā, Dalarnas reģions Zviedrijā; Lauksaimniecības un vides zinātņu institūts Tartu, Valgas pašvaldība un Linnalabor no Igaunijas; LMDA un Saldus pašvaldība no Latvijas; Architekturos Fondas un Eiropas Humanitāro zinātņu universitāte Viļņā.
Iesaistītā pētniece: Dina Suhanova
Bringing together researchers from the fields of humanities, culture, social and environmental studies, the IDEUM project implements a multi-dimensional interdisciplinary study of the relationship between identity, history, culture and environment in historical and contemporary contexts.
IDEUM explores dynamic interactions between people and places. The project questions multiplicity and continuity of identities and (self-) representations through place-making and place-telling practices of different generations, nationalities, and communities in Latvia and beyond.
IDEUM is Latvian Science Council State Research Program project.
Project duration: 2022-2024
Involved researchers: Dina Suhanova, Māra Traumane, Liāna Ivete Žilde, Madara Kvēpa, Biruta Auriņa
Project partners: Institute of Literature, Folklore and Art of the University of Latvia, Rezekne Academy of Technologies, Liepaja University, Latvian Academy of Culture, Art Academy of Latvia Institute of Contemporary Art, Design and Architecture
Project No. VPP-LETONIKA-2021/1-0008
Project total funding: 1 068 000 EUR
Project financed: Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Latvia, Latvian Research Council
LMDA publications
Jākobsone, L., Ločmele, J. (2024) Designing Meaning: The Construct of Sustainability in Brand Identities in Kurosu, M., Hashizume, A. (eds.). Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2024, 14687 LNCS, pp. 44–58.
Hatunoglu, C. and Kaygan, P. (2024) Formation of Industrial Design Culture from Educational to Professional Life. Design and Technology Education: An International Journal, 29 (1): 53-74.
Kaygan, H. and Kaygan, P. (2024) Clients and carers: Healthcare professionals’ roles in medical device development processes in SMEs. The Design Journal, 1–19.
Suhanova, D. (2023) Conflicting perceptions of the well-organised environment. Landscape Architecture and Art, 23 (23), 21–27.
Koering, D., Mühl, S. and Sommeregger, E. (2024) Podcast Transkript Probing the Digital: Cyborgs, Avatars, and AI. Podcast with Stefan Lorenz Sorgner, Marc Ries and Darja Popolitova, Recorded: 15.09.2023, Art Academy of Latvia, Riga, Latvia. In: Elizaveta Shneyderman, Zane Onckule (eds.), RTRU Season 2. Betweenness, Online Publication. URL:
Mühl, S. (2024) Post-socialist historiographies. Visual art in Eastern Germany 30 years after the GDR, in: Maria Mayr, Michel Mallet, Kristin Rebien (eds.) Postsocialist Memory in Contemporary German Culture, Berlin and Boston: De Gruyter, 2024, pp. 101–123.
Suhanova, D. (2024) Nostalgia, Lost Values and New Productive Energy Landscapes of Latvia in New Energy Landscapes, LABLAB, May 2024, pp. 20–33. Link:
Conference presentations
Jākobsone, L. (2024) The Impact of User Experience Design and its Evaluation. Presented at the Culture Crossroads conference, 8 November 2024, Latvian Academy of Culture, Riga, Latvia.
Jākobsone, L., Ločmele, J. (2024) Designing Meaning: The Construct of Sustainability in Brand Identities. Presented at HCI International 2024 conference, 2 July 2024, Washington DC, USA.
Kaygan, P. (2024) Using design thinking for interdisciplinary collaboration in undergraduate education. Paper presented at the Design Thinking and Design Literacy Perspectives in the 21st Century, 6 June 2024, Özyeğin University, Istanbul, Turkiye.
Mühl, S. (2024) Morphogenic Angels: Extended cognition and artificial life in virtual gaming environments, paper presented at the 2024 RIXC Art Science Festival Symbiotic Senses, 25. October 2025, Riga.
Mühl, S. (2024) From DUOTOPIA to Morphogenic Angels: experience and subjectivity in the metaverse, paper presented at the 17th Congress of the German Society for Semiotics, Panel: Metaverse – KI and New Aesthetics?, 26. September 2024, University of Koblenz, Germany.
Mühl, S. (2024) Managing concrete trauma: the case of the Ninth Fort Monument, paper presented at the 9th conference of the European Network for Avant-Garde and Modernism Studies, 18. September 2024, University of Cracow, Poland.
Mühl, S. (2024) Performative Monuments and Post-Monumental Media, paper presented at the 12th Congress of the German Society for Aesthetics, 10. September 2024, University of Fribourg, Switzerland.
Mühl, S. (2024) Artistic research as a challenge for art criticism – a reconsideration, paper presented at the LMA International Scientific Conference of the Doctoral Studies Program, 14. June 2024, Art Academy of Latvia, Riga.
Suhanova, D. (2024) Creating New Spatial Experiences through Short-term Design-Build Interventions. The Case of “FestivaL’and” paper presented at the Living Summer School conference Navigating Informal Education, 5-6 September, 2024, Living Summer School & Bolwerk, Kortrijk, Belgium.
Suhanova, D. (2024) Dabas iedvesmotas telpiski inovatīvās arhitektūras, dizaina un mākslas prakses paper presented at the State Research Program project Landscapes of Identities: History, Culture and Environment scientific conference Identitāšu ainavas: vēsture, kultūra un vide, 5-6 December, 2024, Art Academy of Latvia K2, Riga. Program and abstracts:
Traumane, M. (2024) Citēšanas stratēģijas. Postmodernisms un ikdienas radošums Latvijā 80. gados paper presented at scientific conference Identitāšu ainavas: vēsture, kultūra un vide, 5-6 December, 2024, within the State Research Program project Landscapes of Identities: History, Culture and Environment, 5 December, 2024, Art Academy of Latvia K2, Riga. Program and abstracts:
Conference proceedings
Kaygan, P. and Kaygan, H. (In print). Gendered design for gendered crisis: Women’s experiences in public transport. In Proceedings of Social Design Network Bi-Annual Conference 2023, On the Verge: Design in Times of Crisis. Transcript Verlag.
Mühl, S. (2024) Bonds Across Differences: Taring Padi’s Art of Propaganda, in: Agita Gritāne, Ojārs Spārītis (eds.), Conflict as a Catalyst for Change, Riga: Art Academy of Latvia, pp. 73–83.
Public talks
Kaygan, P. How to measure impact? Economic impact in culture and measuring the value of design. The panel was organised by The Latvian Academy of Culture on 29 April 2024, online via Zoom.
Jākobsone, L. Light, Views, Transparencies. Daylight Talk #18 by Daylight and Architecture, 29 February 2024, RISEBA University, Faculty of Architecture and Design, Riga, Latvia. LINK
Mühl, S. Probe, Übung, Test: Die Antizipation von Zukunft in der Gegenwartskunst, Public Lecture, 11. April 2024, Muthesius Academy of Fine Arts, Kiel, Germany.
Mühl, S. Utopia and Community, Public Lecture, 26 January 2024, Museum Folkwang Essen, Germany.
Mühl, S. Utopia Today – Posthuman Archeologies, Public Lecture, 9. January 2024, REX Box Cinema Bern, Switzerland.
Sommeregger, E. Edgy conditions. Image-based scientific publishing, IKA Research Evening, 27.05.2024, Academy of Fine Arts Vienna, Austria.
Suhanova, D. Reporting from the Baltic scene (front). Talk and discussion, 24.05.2024. MAGAZIN exhibition space for contemporary architecture in Vienna, Austria.
Suhanova, D. Discussion Kā veidot vidi un kultūras saturu bērniem un jauniešiem? 04.08.2024. Contemporary Culture Space Kurtuve. Event link.
Suhanova, D. Moderator for Light, Views, Transparencies. Daylight Talk #18 by Daylight and Architecture, 29 February 2024, RISEBA University, Faculty of Architecture and Design, Riga, Latvia. LINK
Suhanova, D. Moderator at the RIXARCH Conference panel discussion Blind Spots on the Interface between Architectural Design and Building Industry organised by the RISEBA University of Applied Sciences, Faculty of Architecture and Design, 12 April 2024. LINK
Traumane, M. Presentation Kunst in Bedrängnis: Kollektive Urteile und Einführung des sozialistischen Realismus in Lettland in 1940er-1950er Jahren at the Cultural Days of the Domus Rigensis Society, Riga 05.07.2024.
Traumane, M. Discussion on occasion of the release of Latvian translation of Piotr Piotrowski’s book Agorophilia, 04.04.2024., Riga. Organised by LCCA.
Traumane, M. Discussion of Jana Kukaine’s book Visceral Aesthetics, 17.12.2024. Riga, Organised by the Faculty of Philosophy of the University of Latvia.
Public events, educational programs and courses
Summer School of Ephemeral Architecture and Spatial Design FestivaL’and 5.0, 22.07.-03.08.2024. Curator and project manager: Dina Suhanova.
Mühl, S. Curated Video Program Utopia Today – Posthuman Archeologies, as part of the videocity video art network, 28.12.2023–31.01.2024, RexBox Bern, Switzerland.
SALONS. Episode #5. Guests: Miro Roman and Zane Priede. 24.01.2024. Culture space Smilga. Curated by Dina Suhanova and Dagnija Smilga,
SALONS. Episode #6. Guests: Laura Linsi, Roland Reemaa and Toms Kokins. 11.09.2024. Backdoor Market pop-up space Pērses ielā 2a. Curated by Dina Suhanova and Dagnija Smilga,
Summer School and public programme Gender Studies in the Research of Art and Culture and in the Work of Memory Institutions. 19.–23.08.2024. National Library of Latvia and Art Academy of Latvia. Curator and organizer Māra Traumane (LMDA) and Katrīna Teivāne (National Library of Latvia). In the framework of the project CERS (No. VPP-MM-LKRVA-2023/1-0001) funded by the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Latvia in the framework of the State Research Programme Latvian Culture – a Resource for National Development (2023-2026).
Exhibitions and exhibition catalogues
Māra Traumane, the curator (with Māra Žeikare) of the exhibition NSRD: Information About a Transformed Situation, Radvila Palace Museum of Art, Vilnius 21.11.2024.–23.02.2025. Organised by the Lithuanian National Museum of Art and Latvian Center for Contemporary Art. The research section of the exhibition has been carried out within the framework of the SRP project “IDEUM: Landscapes of Identities: History, Culture, and Environment” (No VPP-LETONIKA-2021/1-0008).
Traumane M., Žeikare, M. NSRD: Information About a Transformed Situation, (exhibition booklet), Lithuanian National Museum of Art, 2025.
Online, newspaper or magazine articles
Kaygan, P. (2024) Inclusivity in Design: Is there a Recipe? Formkraft.
Jākobsone, L. (2024) Lucavsalas dārzi – Rīgas Centrālparks (Lucavsala Gardens – Riga’s Central Park) in Latvijas Architektūra, No. 173, pp. 56-59.
LMDA publications
Jākobsone, L., Koering, D., Sommeregger, E., Suhanova, D. and Traumane, M. (eds.) Publication of symposium proceedings: (Building) New Perspectives through Practice-led Research in Art, Design and Architecture. Symposium Proceedings. LMDA, Art Academy of Riga. (peer reviewed)
Koering, D., Mühl, S., Sommeregger, E. (eds.): Probing the Digital: Cyborgs, Avatars, and AI. Podcast with Stefan Lorenz Sorgner, Marc Ries und Darja Popolitova, 30.10.2023, Online. Link
Kaygan, P., Kaygan, H. and Özgür Keysan, A. (2023) Gendered interactions mediated by design: Sexual harassment in public transport. Design and Culture, 15 (3): 345-366.
Traumane, M. Spaces of criticism and imagination: Exhibitions, publications and exchanges of Latvian and Estonian architects and artists in 1978–79. Studies on Art and Architecture/ Kunstiteaduslikke Uurimusi, 32 (3-4). (To be published in December 2023).
Koering, D. (2023) Exploring the human-AI nexus: A friendly dispute between second-order cybernetical ethical thinking and questions of AI ethics. Enacting Cybernetics, 1 (1): Article 5. DOI: 10.58695/ec.4
Kaygan, P. (2023) From forming to performing: Team development for enhancing interdisciplinary collaboration between design and engineering students using design thinking. International Journal of Technology and Design Education, 33 (2): 457-478.
Suhanova, D. (2023) Imaginary and unbuilt. Architectural drawings in the archival collection of the Latvian Museum of Architecture. Kunstiteaduslikke Uurimusi. Studies on Art and Architecture, 32 (1-2).
Kaygan, P., Wasti, N. and Dilek Alptekin, İ. (2023) Enacting individual ambidexterity in design entrepreneurship. The Design Journal, 26 (3): 438-458.
Book chapters
Kaygan, P. Design for gender equality: Interdisciplinary design intervention to tackle gender biases and stereotypes in engineering. In Design in Action: Reflections on Social and Inclusive Practices, edited by Anastasios Maragiannis. Intellect. (Accepted for publication)
Mühl, S. (2023) Post-socialist historiographies. Visual art in Eastern Germany 30 years after the GDR. In: Maria Mayr, Michel Mallet, Kristin Rebien (eds.) Unrealized Futures in Postsocialist Memory and Culture, Berlin and Boston: De Gruyter 2023. (In print)
Traumane, M. (2023) Workshop for the Restoration of Unfelt Feelings: Approximate Coordinates. In: Unearthing the Music. Sound and Creative Experimentation in Non-Democratic Europe. Leipzig: Spector Books 2023. (In print)
Jakobsone, L. (2023) Critical transition: Merging approaches toward sustainability. In: Duarte, E., Di Roma, A. (eds) Developments in Design Research and Practice II. Senses 2021. Springer Series in Design and Innovation, vol 31. Springer, Cham.
Mühl, S. (2023) Torpedoes and trees: Staging the modern art collection at the Moderna Galerija, Ljubljana. In: Kristian Handberg, Malene Vest Hansen (eds.) Curating the Contemporary in the Art Museum. Abingdon und New York: Routledge 2023, 110-124.
Conference proceedings
Sommeregger, E. and Koering, D. Vessels for new digital landscapes. Proceedings of the (Building) New Perspectives Symposium in Riga, Latvia, 10th-11th November 2022. LMDA, Art Academy of Riga. (In press)
Kaygan, P. and Kaygan, H. (2023) Gendered design for gendered crisis: Women’s experiences in public transport. In Social Design Network Bi-Annual Conference 2023, On the Verge: Design in Times of Crisis, 9-10 November 2023. (Accepted for publication)
Jakobsone, L. (2023) Design fiction localised. In Vaes, K., Verlinden, J. (eds) Connectivity and Creativity in Times of Conflict. Cumulus Conference Proceedings Antwerp 2023. Academia Press Belgium.
Suhanova, D. Architecture of things: Spatial practices of collecting and hoarding in Latvia. Synergy Between Humanities and Natural Sciences in Cultural History and Theory. Conference Proceedings of the Doctoral Study Programme Art Academy of Latvia. 16–17 June 2022. Riga: Art Academy of Latvia, pp. 114-122; ISBN 978-9934-630-07-1;
Conference presentations
Mühl, S. (2023) Contemporary adaptations to socialist commemorative public art in post-socialist North-Eastern Europe: ephemerality, performativity, and radical democracy, paper presented at the International Conference “Contemporary Approaches to Commemorative Public Art”, 09.11.2023, University of Johannesburg, South-Africa (online).
Sommeregger, E. (2023) Navigating, Performing and Book Making, Tacit Knowledge Symposium, ETH Zurich, 19-21 June 2023.
Mühl, S. (2023) Bonds across differences. Taring Padi’s art of propaganda, paper presented at the International Conference for PhD Students “Conflict as a Catalyst for Change”, 16.06.2023, Art Academy of Latvia, Riga, Latvia (online).
Suhanova, D. (2023) Spatial practices of collecting and hoarding in Latvia. What Constitutes a Desirable and Well-Organised Environment? Latvijas Mākslas akadēmijas Doktorantūras nodaļas Starptautiskā zinātniskā konference Konflikts kā procesu katalizators. 15-16 June 2023. Conference abstracts:
Mühl, S. (2023) National identity and the cardboard puppet, paper presented at the Vigeland Seminar 2023 „Sculpture between Nationalism and Internationalism“, 12.06.2023, Vigeland Museum Oslo, Norway.
Mühl, S. (2023) Modernity in the Shoebox: Universalism, aesthetic ideology, and utopian imagination, paper presented at the International Conference “Ugly Modernity: Its Unseen Sides”, 08.06.2023, York University UK (online).
Kaygan, H. and Kaygan, P. (2023) Care in medical product development: Doctors as carers, consultants, entrepreneurs. Paper presented at the Nordic STS Conference 2023, 7-9 June 2023, University of Oslo, Norway.
Sommeregger, E. and Koering, D. (2023). Exploring Avatars as Posthuman Entities. Technology, Art and the Posthuman. Session 2: Aesthetics. 13-14 May 2023, John Cabot University, Rome, Italy.
Mühl, S. (2023) Calling for Rain: The world-making art of Khvay Samnang, paper presented at the International Conference “Deep Sea Babies: Navigating Between Dystopias and Utopias”, 14.04.2023, Pedagogical University Cracow, Poland.
Mühl, S. (2023) Torpedoes and trees. Staging the modern art collection at the Moderna Galerija, Book Launch Presentation at the European Postwar Contemporary Art Forum, 07.03.2023 (online).
Traumane, M. (2023) Regional perspectives on underground histories in the Baltic countries. Conference Blind Spots of the Counter Canon: Soviet Underground Culture Revisited, 13–15 February 2023, Harriman Institute, Columbia University, New York, USA.
Mühl, S. (2023) Specters in the Haunted House: Taring Padi’s propaganda art in the context of documenta fifteen, paper presented at the International Workshop “Universal Images in Post-Universalist Times”, 13.01.2023, Klagenfurt University, Austria.
Jakobsone, L. Design Fiction Localised. Connectivity and Creativity in Times of Conflict. Cumulus Conference Antwerp 2023.
Public talks and discussions
Kaygan, P. Radical participation: Interdisciplinarity in times of crisis. Panel discussion in Social Design Network Bi-Annual Conference 2023, On the Verge: Design in Times of Crisis. Moderated by S. Das, MOME Budapest, 10.11.2023, Hungary.
Mühl, S. Panel discussion in the exhibition Stefan Hurtig. CBRG.SPACE, Kunstverein Soft Power, 08.09.2023, Berlin.
Mühl, S. Utopia, art and democracy. Is there a utopian dimension in contemporary art?, public lecture, Demokrātijas Festivāls, 29.07.2023, Kuldīga, Latvia.
Traumane, M. Participation in the discussion, Demokrātijas Festivāls, 29.07.2023, Kuldīga, Latvia.
Sommeregger, E. Participation in the public panel talk AccessAbility, Transforming the City, Architecture Biennale, Venice,12.6.2023.
Kaygan, P. Gendered aspects of design. Public lecture as part of Design Management course, 24 May 2023. Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey.
Press articles and internet publications
Mühl, S. (2023) What happened to the pan-demos? On the everywhereness quality of the body, in: Arts of the Working Class. Journal for art, society, poverty and wealth, published 15.03.2023. URL:
Sommeregger, E. and Koering, D. (2023) Arhitektūra + Pētniecība. Latvijas Architektūra. Burtnīca Nr. 164 (1) 2023. P. 46. Riga, Latvia.
Suhanova, D. (2023) Guest editor for magazine Latvijas Architektūra. Burtnīca Nr. 164 (1), 2023. Riga, Latvia.
Smilga, D., Paegle, N., Bērziņš, K., Suhanova, D. (2023) ĒTER ietekmes stratosfēra. Latvijas Architektūra. Burtnīca Nr. 164 (1), 2023. P. 11-17. Riga, Latvia.
Suhanova, D. (2023) Jauna Arhitektūras skola Latvijas Mākslas akadēmijā. Latvijas Architektūra. Burtnīca Nr. 164 (1), 2023. P. 40-43. Riga, Latvia.
Suhanova, D. (2023) Vai viegli būt jaunam (arhitektam)? Latvijas Architektūra. Burtnīca Nr. 164 (1), 2023. P. 50-55. Riga, Latvia.
Suhanova, D. (2023) Vēsma Kontere McQuillan. Intervija. Latvijas Architektūra. Burtnīca Nr. 164 (1), 2023. P. 76-81. Riga, Latvia.
Exhibition catalogues
Mühl, S. (2023) We are all lichens. From the Cyborg Metaphor to a Symbiosis of Species. In: Stefan Hurtig. CBRG.SPACE. Center for Contemporary Art Leipzig 2023, p. 1–6 (In print).
Suhanova, D. (2023) Shopping in Venice. The 18th Venice Architecture Biennale review. Published on FOLD, 13th June 2023. Available:
Interviews and podcasts
Mühl, S. (2023) Izdzēšot vēsturi, jūs nevarat no tās mācīties, Interview by Toms Treibergs, in: TVNET, published 23.07.2023, URL:
Marthe, S. (2023) Interview: Dr. Dietmar Köring. Baunetzwoche 622, pp. 9-12. Heinze GmbH, NL Berlin, BauNetz.
Summer school Landscapes of Resort: History, Culture and Environment (Aug 22-25, 2023) in Liepāja. Project IDEUM, No.: VPP-LETONIKA-2021/1-0008.
Interdisciplinary Workshop Probing the Digital. Cyborgs, Avatars, and AI (Sep 14-15, 2023). Participants: Stefan Sorgner (John Cabot University Rome), Marc Ries (University of Art and Design Offenbach), Eva Sommeregger + Dietmar Koering (Art Academy of Latvia), Sebastian Mühl (Art Academy of Latvia), Zane Onckule (Riga Technoculture Research Unit), Darja Popolitova (Estonian Academy of Arts), Rasa Šmite (Liepaja University, RIXC Center for Art and Science). Support: Baltic-German University Liaison Office, German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) with funds from the Foreign Office of the Federal Republic Germany.
Sommeregger, E. (2022). Tupaia, Kybernetes & Lara Croft, Breite Gasse Publishing, Vienna, doi: 10.21937/9783950411195PDF
Kern, C, Van Hoeydonck, W., Sommeregger, E. (eds.) (2022) Space Tessellations. Experimenting with Parquet Deformations in Three Dimensions. Birkhäuser Publishers
Book chapters
Hernández-Ramírez, R., Jakobsone, L., Behrens, T., Chambel, T. (2022) Should technology be [just] delightful?. In: Duarte, E., Rosa, C. (eds) Developments in Design Research and Practice. Senses 2019. Springer Series in Design and Innovation, vol 17. Springer, Cham.
Jākobsone, L. (2022) Pārmaiņas dizaina izpratnē. In Dizaina nodaļai 60. Latvijas Mākslas akadēmija, ISBN 978-9934-541-83-4. p.216-233.
Conference proceedings
Messini, V., Sommeregger, E. (2022) Posthumanist Sandbox, The potential of Multiplayer-Environments.” in: UNITO Universities of Tomorrow: Global, Interdisciplinary, Digitized, Sustainable. Conference proceedings:
Conference presentations
Suhanova, D. (2022) Praktiskā pilsētu pētniecība un eksperimentāla urbānās pieredzes veidošana – arhitektūras vasaras skolas. Krisjanis Barons conference “Experience in the City” (“Pieredze pilsētā”). 9-10 November 2022. Institute of Literature, Folklore and Art of the University of Latvia. Riga, National Library of Latvia. Conference abstracts:
Traumane, M. (2022) Piederība un pilsētas apguve kustībā “Nebijušu sajūtu restaurēšanas darbnīcas”mākslinieku loka tekstos, dziesmās un akcijās. Krisjanis Barons conference “Experience in the City” (“Pieredze pilsētā”). 9-10 November 2022. Institute of Literature, Folklore and Art of the University of Latvia. Riga, National Library of Latvia. Conference abstracts:
Sommeregger, E. and Koering, D. (2022) Vessels for new Digital Landscapes. Splintered Realities. RIXC Art Science Festival 2022. 6-10 October. Deep Europe symposium. The 5th Renewable Futures conference (Parallel Session B4).
Suhanova, D. (2022) Lietu arhitektūra – vācēji un mantu uzkrāšanas telpiskās prakses Latvijā. 2nd International Conference “Synergy Between Humanities and Natural Sciences in Cultural History and Theory” of the Department of Doctoral Studies of the Art Academy of Latvia in Riga. 16-17 June. Conference abstracts:
Traumane, M. (2022) Reception of the Exhibition of Fourteen Estonian Architects in Riga: Reverberations in the Fields of Architecture and Design. Seminar: Likeness in Difference. Perspectives on Baltic Regional Art History; 13–14 May, Art Museum of Estonia, Estonian Academy of Arts, 2022
Public talks and lectures
Suhanova, D. and Mailitis, A. (2022) Presentation and discussion on emerging research and learning environments in Latvia. Architektūros Fondas forum Shaping Learning Environments. 5 November 2022. Vilnius, Lithuania.
Suhanova, D. (2022) Expert presentation. Mad City 2022 annual event Crisis in the City. 28th Oct. Riga, Latvia.
Suhanova, D. (2022) Stāsti par vides dizainu (Stories on Environmental Design) – lecture and participation in the discussion. IT Izglītības fonds. StartIT conference Iedvesmas diena 2022 (Inspiration Day 2022). Riga, Latvia.
Koering, D. (2022). LMDA talks. Episode 3. An (architectural) musing: space and research, 11th May 2022. Moderator: Koering, D. Speaker: Busch, J.; Shafiei, S.; Koehler, D.; Voordouw, J.
Sommeregger, E. (2022). LMDA talks. Episode 4. Extended Bodies / Extended Spaces”, 15th June 2022 Moderator: Sommeregger, E. speakers: Jauernik, C., Jõekalda, J., Messini, V., Weiner, S.
Sommeregger, E. (2022) Tupaia, Kybernetes & Lara Croft, book presentation at Depot, Kunst und Diskussion, 31st January 2022, Vienna.
Online publications, newspaper and magazine articles
Sommeregger, E., Koering, D., Jākobsone, L., Suhanova, D. and Traumane, M. (2022) Būvējot jaunus skatpunktus. Atskats uz LMDA simpoziju. Published on FOLD, 9 Dec. 2022. Available:
Jākobsone, L. (2022) Iemācīt mācīties. Dizaina izglītība sociālās sirdsapziņas attīstībai. Published on FOLD, 8 November 2022. Available:
Traumane, M. Working with Peripheries: Workshop for the Restoration of Unfelt Feelings, post platform, the Museum of Modern Art, 07.09.2022.
Suhanova, D. (2022) ĒTER arhitektūra ASMR izstādei Londonas Dizaina muzejā. Published on FOLD, 1 June 2022. Available:
Traumane, M. (2022) Thinking futures of shared legacies. Review of the Seminar Likeness in Difference. Perspectives on Baltic Regional Art History, Studies on Art and Architecture/ Kunstiteaduslikke Uurimusi. 2022, 31 (3-4): 190-195.
Interviews & Podcasts
May, S. and Bickenbach, W. (2022) Baustelle Zukunft: Künstliche Intelligenz & Architektur: Benötigen wir noch Architekt:innen und Planer:innen? (Dr. Dietmar Köring & Laurent Brückner) [Audio podcast]. Zeppelin Lab Berlin.
Institute of Contemporary Art, Design and Architecture (LMDA) of Art Academy of Latvia (LMA) was founded in 2021 to ensure the achievement of the strategic goals and performance results of the Academy as a scientific institution in research in the field of humanities and arts.
Learn MoreLMDA director and senior researcher:
Ph.D. Liene Jākobsone (design)
Senior researchers:
Dr.-techn. Eva Sommeregger (architecture)
Ph.D. Sebastian Mühl (contemporary art and visual culture)
Ph.D. Pınar Kaygan (design)
Dina Suhanova (architecture)
Māra Traumane (visual arts)